maandag 13 februari 2012

The Mean Green Machine

Finally its there:

The Mean Green Machine!
Extreme dirt eater, powered by 3 green boosts and a V8 front engine. Streetlegal though. :)
Enjoy the ride!

ps. already working an new rides, losing the naked theme!


maandag 9 januari 2012

New Project: Desert Racer / Storm (can you think up a title?)

Hey! I'm working on a new project and I want to share the first mockups/screens/tryouts with you.
I still have a lot of work to do but this will be the direction that I'll be going. I already changed a lot at the front, because I didnt like it. So keep tracking this blog!
Let me know what you think about it and if you come up with a good name that will be great. I suck at names you know.... :(

Red Racer

Ok, I try to fill this blogspot by a regularly basis but bare with me if it takes a while ;).
This will be my first post on the SoberPixels spot and I hope you will enjoy all following posts.

This one is the Red Racer, a future race car this can be used for indoor tracks but also can be used for drags on desert and flat terrains. Let me know what you think about it and give it a "hooah" on my behance page: Thanks for watching!